In 1972, Temple Christian School began
as a ministry of Temple Baptist
Church in Rockingham, North Carolina.
From just a handful of students in kindergarten
through third grade, Temple
has grown to 200 students in K-3
through twelfth grade programs.

Through the years, the school has seen
steady improvements in staff, curriculum,
and facilities. A new third floor
was completed for the high school in
2002. In the early years, a combination
of A Beka and ACE curriculums was
used. Presently, traditional classroom
instruction is taught in all grade levels
utilizing both Bob Jones and A Beka
material.  Another tremendous aspect
Temple is its low teacher turnover.
The average staff tenure is 15 years.
This allows for a consistent, stable, and
experienced atmosphere for the students.

Over the last five years, the school has
experienced a number of graduates
continuing their Christian education
along with preparing for ministry in
Bible colleges. Recently, Temple Baptist
Church began supporting its first
missionary to graduate from Temple
Christian School. Likewise, several
graduates are presently pastoring
churches. It is wonderful to see the
training come to fruition in the lives of
young people.

 Joining the NCCSA has been beneficial
in many areas, such as sports.
Through the years, Temple has excelled
in basketball and in recent
years—soccer. Baseball was introduced
in 2006. The NCCSA has
given Temple an organization that
provides quality programs and services
and gives us a stable, competitive
environment for athletics.

“As we near the end of each year,
Temple looks forward to continuing
to instill God-honoring principles
in the lives of its students.”

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