Table of Contents


Introduction 3

Articles of Faith 4

Affiliations 4

Admissions, Withdrawals, & Dismissals 5

Athletic Program Policies 7

Attendance Policy 8

Financial Information 11

General Information 13

Academic Information 18

Discipline Code 26

Disciplinary Actions 30

Dress Code 32

Closing Statement 35

Sharing with TCS 36



Welcome to Temple Christian School! Our school is a ministry of Temple Baptist Church, Rockingham, NC. We appreciate the opportunity to train your children in a Christian environment.

The purpose of Temple Christian School is to provide academic training with a Christ-centered curriculum while instilling in our young people a proper Christian philosophy of life. We strive not merely to teach young people to make a living, but we strive to prepare them for living.

The goal of Temple Christian School is to give the young person a Christ-centered life, seeking to meet both the spiritual and mental needs. We believe "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" and that all subjects should be taught in the light of the Scriptures. This school is dedicated to reaching children for Christ, grounding them in the faith, and sending them out as well-trained Christian leaders of tomorrow.

Temple Christian School uses the A Beka Curriculum designed and used by Pensacola Christian School, the largest Christian day school in America. Bob Jones University Press is also used in the high school for some courses. These are advanced curriculums. For this reason, we strongly urge parents to keep their children in our program beginning with K5 through the 12th grade. As our yearly, standardized test scores reflect, students tested in the high school score as well as or better than 70% of students nationwide.

This handbook will help you to understand the importance of your cooperation and your responsibility in the education of your children. We hope that you will read and study it carefully. Please preserve it for future reference. If there are any additional questions, please contact the school. We are happy to help you in any way we can.


Articles of Faith


  1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
  2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in the Persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. We believe in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and great glory.
  4. We believe that all men are sinners by nature and by choice, and that sin separates man from the Holy God. Sinful man is incapable of paying for his own sin; and therefore, he is in need of a Savior.
  5. We believe that Jesus Christ paid for man's sin on the cross of Calvary by becoming man's substitute and dying for his sin. He paid for all sin by His death and shed blood, then rose victoriously from the grave, proving that He paid it all. He is the only way by which a man may receive remission of sins.
  6. We believe that a man is saved by faith alone in Christ’s finished work on the cross and NOT by works of righteousness such as baptism or church attendance.
  7. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost. The saved will be resurrected and given a glorified body to dwell with the Lord forever. The lost will be resurrected to experience the second death and be cast into the Lake of Fire to endure eternal separation from God.
  8. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person equal with the Father and the Son. He convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment, pointing people to Jesus as the answer for their sin. He indwells and seals each believer at the moment of salvation, and thereafter teaches and guides him, thus producing the fruit of the Spirit.




Temple Christian School is a ministry of the Temple Baptist Church (Independent Baptist) and is subject to the constitution and by-laws as an integral part of the church. All matters of policy must meet the guidelines established under the constitution of Temple Baptist Church.


Admissions, Withdrawals, & Dismissals


Selection of students is based on prior school achievement, interviews with the principal, and openings in the particular grade levels. Family life, church status, and general behavior are also carefully considered. First through eighth grade students may be required to take a placement test. A testing fee will be charged and must be paid at the time of testing. Parents are required to sign a "Statement of Cooperation" with the "Student Application." No student is considered registered unless the registration fee has been paid. This fee is non-refundable unless a student cannot be accepted. Each student is required to have a North Carolina immunization certificate as well as a copy of his/her birth certificate on file in the office prior to attending classes at TCS.


New Students

The following admissions procedures should be followed when enrolling a new student:


  1. Submit the Enrollment Application with the following attachments:
    • Report Cards for the previous two years
    • Previous Standardization Test Results
    • Copies of any special test results for learning difference or giftedness (if applicable)
    • Registration Fee of $40 (non-refundable)


  1. Register for camp (7th – 12th grade only)
    • All incoming students (7th – 12th grades) must attend the required Christian camp before attending Temple Christian School. Every student attending TCS must attend the required Christian camp on alternate years throughout high school as well. Camp is an entire week of great fun, fellowship, and focus on the things of God. More information about camp may be obtained from the school office or website (


    1. Forward the Pastoral Recommendation Form to your Pastor, Youth Pastor, or Sunday School Teacher and keep in mind that these should be mailed directly from the reference to the school.
    2. Forward the Authorization for Release of Records Form to your current school office.
    3. The Administrator will review your application and applicants will be invited for an interview.


    Statement of Non-Discrimination

    The school admits students of any race or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, responsibilities, programs, and activities generally accorded to or made available to students at the school, provided such meet our academic entrance requirements and agree to abide by the policies of the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnic origin in admission of its educational policies, admission policies, athletic or other school-administered programs.


    Age Limit

    No student will be considered for enrollment that is more than two (2) years above the chronological age for the grade level he/she would be entering. A student must reach the age for a given grade by Dec. 31 in order to be placed in that grade.



    A parent must withdrawal a student from TCS in person at the school office. Records will not be released until all bills are paid and all textbooks and materials have been returned. Tuition paid to date is non-refundable.



    A student will be dismissed from TCS when he/she is found to be out of harmony with the rules and policies of the school. Students who are dismissed from TCS will not be considered for readmission for the remainder of the year. The parents and student must meet with the principal before readmission will be considered.


    Athletic Program Policies


    Temple Christian School maintains an interscholastic program competing in basketball, volleyball, and soccer with other Christian schools in the North Carolina Christian School Association.



    Students with no "F" may participate in each sport. There will be an athletic participation fee that must be paid for each sport played along with a physical from a doctor(which is good for one year) stating that the student is able to participate. These requirements must be met to be eligible to play sports at Temple Christian School. Grades will be evaluated every three weeks upon issue of tri-weekly reports or report cards. Any student receiving an incomplete on a report must arrange a time to make up the work before continuing to compete in a sporting event.

    Any students on disciplinary probation will not be eligible to participate in athletic events as stated in the school's disciplinary policy.


    Participation in Games

    1. A student must be in school for a minimum of one-half day on the day of a game if he/she expects to play.
    2. Athletic participants will always ride with the team to and from games in a vehicle provided by the school or with an authorized escort.



    Because of our Christian testimony which must be maintained at all times, we are requesting that students and adult spectators refrain from the use of abusive or negative comments to players, coaches, or officials at sporting events in which TCS participates both at home and away.

    Students are asked not to sing or "chant" anything that is a "put-down" or is in any way derogatory to the opposing school.


    Attendance Policy


    School Hours

    School begins promptly at 8:00 am and dismisses at 3:00 pm.



    Each student must be regular in attendance in order to gain the most from school. Absences are excused in cases of sickness, family death, doctor appointment, or other reasons considered appropriate by the administration. A doctor appointment does not excuse a student from school all day. A student is expected to be at school before the appointment and to return after the appointment.


    The following should be considered in the event of the absence:


    1. If a student is absent for only one day, a note from the parent explaining the reason for the absence must be sent in within 3 days of the absence for the absence to be considered "excused."
    2. In the event a student is absent for more than one day, a doctor’s excuse or other official proof of the necessity of the absence is required in order for the absence to be considered "excused."
    3. Students should be present in school on test days.


    Failure to submit a note from home within three days from the day the student returns to school will result in the absence being considered unexcused.

    The following are NOT excusable absences:

      1. Truancy
      2. Suspension
      3. Missing a ride
      4. Trips not approved in advance
      5. Shopping
      6. Hunting, fishing, attendance at games
      7. Birthday or other celebrations
      8. Gainful employment
      9. Alarm failure
      10. Entertaining visiting friends or relatives


    Prior Approved Absences

    We understand that some of the above absences cannot be avoided without hardship on the family. Therefore TCS will make exception if the following requirements are met:

    1. Notification to TCS is made in advance.
    2. A Pre-approved Absence form is filled out and signed by each teacher and the Principal.
    3. All assignments are completed in advance or as prescribed by the teacher.



    Unexcused Absences: A grade of 50 will be given for all assignments missed due to an unexcused absence.

    Excessive Absences: If the student is absent for twenty (20) days during the school year, TCS reserves the right to retain the student to the same grade level. In the high school this would result in the loss of credit for any course in which the student has accumulated twenty (20) absences for full year classes or ten (10) absences for semester block classes. For this reason, a doctor's excuse should be obtained whenever possible. Any student who leaves school before 11 a.m. or arrives after 12 p.m. will be counted absent for the day.

    Tardies: Students are expected to be on time to classes, chapel, and all school functions. Any student who comes to school late or is delayed in going to his homeroom must go directly to the office for a pass to class. A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in his/her seat when the bell begins ringing. Three (3) tardies will be counted as one day absent.


    Make-Up Work

    Students are allowed one day of grace for each school day missed to make up any work. All work missed as the result of an excused absence must be made up according to the teacher's instructions. For students whose absences are unexcused, no credit will be given. It is the student's responsibility to go to each teacher upon returning to school after an absence to get any missed assignments.


    Arrival and Dismissal

    Parents may deliver students beginning at 7:35 am. School starts at 8:00 am. If someone other than the parent will be picking up a child, parents must notify the school. We want to take every precaution in the protection of your children.

    Parents are asked to pick up children promptly at 3:00 pm. Students remaining at school after 3:20 p.m. will be sent to a supervised late stay program where a rate of $4/hr. will be applied.


    Leaving School

    All parents coming during class time to pick up students for dental appointments, doctor appointments, or other excused absences must report to the office and not to the student's classroom. If a student must leave school early, a note stating the reason must be brought from the parent and approved in the school office before classes begin in the morning. The office personnel will call the student upon arrival of the parent, and the parent must sign the official checkout register before the student may be dismissed.

    Students must not request to leave school early unless the reason for leaving is sickness, emergency, or for a doctor appointment that cannot be scheduled at any other time.



    Financial Information


    A current Tuition & Fees Schedule may be obtained from the school office or from the school website: Fees and tuition must be paid when due. The registration fee is due when the application is submitted. This fee is non-refundable unless a student cannot be accepted.


    Payment Plans

    1. Full payment may be made for all tuition and fees in advance by August 15th.
    2. Tuition may be divided into 10 monthly installments due on the 1st of each month.


    August payments must be received no later than August 15th to ensure your child’s enrollment for the upcoming year. The first month’s payment is non-refundable should your child be withdrawn before the first day of school.


    Payment Options

    1. Check or Money Order
    2. Automatically recurring electronic checks. You must enroll in TCS’s Direct Payment Program to pay this method.


    Delinquent Payments & Penalties

    Payments become delinquent after the fifteenth of each month. There will be a $15 late charge after the fifteenth, which is payable with that month's tuition payment. Partial payment does not exempt an account from late fees. Should a check be returned to our office because of insufficient funds, a $25 charge will be incurred, and parents will be notified to come in, make cash payment, and pick up the returned check.

    Late notices will be sent out on the 16th of the month indicating the balance due. On the first day of the next month, another notice will be sent as a reminder of the following policy:




    1. Either the tuition account is to be paid in full by the 15th of the month,
    2. Or the parent must make arrangements through the school office concerning payment of the account,
    3. Or the child may not be allowed to return to school on the 16th.


    Tuition paid for students withdrawing during the in-progress school term will not be refunded unless otherwise stated by the Administrator. Any exception to these policies for one is not meant as an exception to the policy for others.


    Activities Fee

    An activities fee will be charged each year to cover expenses related to playground equipment, gasoline for transportation during field trips, incentives programs, etc.


    Graduation Fees

    A graduation fee will be charged to cover cap & gown and diploma expenses involved with the events of graduation for seniors and kindergarteners.


    General Information


    Book Policy

    Textbooks are to be handled carefully. All hardback books are property of Temple Christian School and must be returned in good condition at the conclusion of the class. Pencils or turned corners are not to be used as bookmarks. Students will be expected to pay for excessive damage to hardback textbooks.


    Car Pools

    Parents are encouraged to coordinate their transportation with other parents living in the same area. Should additional assistance be needed, the office will be happy to make a list of other parents living in your area for you to contact.


    Emergency Closing

    If school will be closed because of bad weather, an announcement will be made on WJSG-FM (FM 104) radio station by 7 a.m. that day. The absence of an announcement means that school will be open as usual. Decisions for TCS are independent of those for the county public schools.


    Field Trips

    Field trips are taken at various times during the school year to places of educational interest. Students are expected to take part in class-planned field trips and will be counted absent if not in attendance. Students are required to maintain the same level of discipline away from the school as is required at school. Parents may be asked to serve as chaperones. The school requires parents to follow the same standards of dress and conduct as is required of the students. Parents not meeting the standards cannot be permitted to act as chaperones. This includes such class activities as class picnics and parties in the classroom, as well as field trips.


    Health and Safety

    We feel it is important to safeguard the health and welfare of our students and faculty. Certain steps have been taken to ensure that a safe and healthful environment can be assured.


    Fire Safety

    In compliance with North Carolina fire regulations, the buildings of TCS are equipped with outside exits from all classrooms. The building also is equipped with an automatic fire alarm system. Fire drills are conducted regularly as required by the State Fire Marshal's office.


    Food Safety

    The kitchen of TCS meets all applicable health regulations. The kitchen facilities are subject to periodic unannounced visits by the local health department inspector.



    At the beginning of each school year, senior high students will be assigned lockers. It will be the responsibility of the student to keep his/her locker clean, neat and orderly at all times. No writing, stickers, or pictures are permitted on lockers. Lockers are subject to periodic unannounced inspections. No student is to open another student's locker.

    Locks may be placed on lockers upon request. In such cases, a copy of the lock key or combination must be provided to the office. Otherwise, no locks will be placed on the lockers.


    Lost and Found

    Parents, we need your help! Please see to it that your child's lunch box, garments, etc., are marked with your child’s name or initials. Marking them as such will enable us to assist you in locating lost items. Lost and found articles will be in the school office. Please check with the office if your child reports a loss. Any articles remaining unclaimed for over two weeks will be thrown away or given away.

    Students are cautioned not to bring large amounts of money, cameras, or valuables to school. If students wear watches or glasses, they should keep track of them at all times. Students, not the school, are responsible for their personal property.



    Soft drinks, milk, and vending snacks are available to all students in the cafeteria during lunch and break times. Students should bring their own sack lunches or microwaveable plates or meals. Students may also purchase certain microwaveable items from TCS. Children are free to bring their own thermos containers for their drinks, or students may purchase their choice of drinks from the school.

    Behavior should always be orderly in the lunchrooms. Students in kindergarten through sixth grade sit with their teacher during lunch. Students in grades seven through twelve may intermingle. Students must maintain lady-like and gentleman-like behavior and table manners. Food is never to be wasted, and garbage is to be disposed of properly. Throwing and/or playing with food will not be allowed.

    Please be sure to give lunches to your children before they leave for school. Bringing a lunch to them at school interrupts office, student, teacher and class routines. If a lunch is forgotten, a student must charge a lunch rather than call home. These guidelines will help ensure smooth operation of our daily schedule. We appreciate your cooperation.


    Parent-Teacher Conferences

    All parents are welcome in the school; however, when a visit is necessary, the parent must check in at the office first. No parent is to go directly to the classroom!

    Two scheduled days a year are designated for Parent-Teacher Conference days–one in the fall and one in the spring. Parents will have the opportunity to schedule a time to meet with the teacher.

    If a parent wishes to talk with his/her child's teacher in the meantime, he/she should arrange for a private conference with that teacher through the school office. Teachers are happy to arrange for such conferences at scheduled times; however, teachers should not be detained before or after school unless an interview has been scheduled for that time.


    Parent-Teacher Fellowship

    Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) meetings may be held regularly throughout the school year to enable parents to follow the progress and development of their children. Important information will be given to parents during this time. Parents should plan to attend all PTF meetings. Meeting dates will be announced in advance.


    Telephone Calls

    Students will only be permitted to use the school phone in the case of an extreme emergency. If the business could have been taken care of before school, the telephone cannot be used. Calling home concerning forgotten homework, lunches, physical education clothing, etc., is not considered an emergency. Messages for students will be handled by the secretary and forwarded to the student. Students may not be removed from class to answer telephone calls.


    Transcript Fee

    Upon graduation, one transcript of student records will be sent to the college of the student's choosing. Additional transcripts will be sent for a two-dollar fee. No fee is charged for forwarding records when a student transfers to another school.


    Transferable Diseases or Illnesses

    In order to maintain a healthy environment, it may be necessary to require a student not to come to school or to dismiss a student when a disease or illness considered transferable is evident.



    Students are permitted to drive to and from school. It is important that all students observe the following vehicle guidelines:


    1. Students will be required to park in assigned parking areas. Driving from the school grounds during school hours is not permitted.
    2. Sitting in cars during the school day is not permitted.
    3. Students may not go to his or her car during the school day unless permission is obtained from the office.
    4. Students must leave their cars within one minute after arrival at school.
    5. A student may not ride in the private car of a high school student going to or from school unless a note from the parent granting the child permission to ride with that student is filed in the school office. Students in the same family will be exempt from this rule.
    6. Failure to comply with any of the above rules or improper driving conduct such as speeding, reckless driving, etc. on the way to or from school will be sufficient grounds for revocation of the privilege to drive on school grounds.
    7. The school assumes no liability for damage to or losses from any vehicle parked on campus during the school day or during any school-sponsored activity.



    Visitors may not attend classes without permission from the administration. Those wishing to visit the school should be prospective students and must comply with the school dress code and conduct standards. To get permission to visit the school, one must contact the school office several days in advance.

    When Problems Arise

    When problems and disagreements arise during the school year, for the best interest of our school, it is extremely important that they be dealt with in a Christian manner in accordance with Matthew 18. We believe in and practice the chain of command when dealing with problems. The following procedure will serve this end:

    1. Do not gossip with friends or slander TCS about a problem.
    2. Contact the teacher first.
    3. If you cannot solve the problem with the teacher, a conference with the principal should be arranged.


    We feel this is a Scriptural method of solving any difficulties. Of course, discussing any problem with another parent is never appropriate and generally compounds the problem.


    Academic Information



    Kindergarten classes at Temple Christian School offer a delightful learning experience for your five-year-old child. This is an enjoyable educational program designed to give your child a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning.

    We use the A Beka curriculum. This program includes Bible, phonics and phonemic awareness, reading, cursive writing, numbers, and simple math. With these concepts in hand, students can confidently enter 1st grade. They and their parents can be assured that they are more than adequately prepared.

    Each year, the kindergarten students are honored with a special graduation complete with caps and gowns. They receive a special diploma in recognition of their achievement. This will be a time that will be cherished for years to come.



    The student forms most of his/her basic beliefs, concepts, and life principles before he/she reaches the secondary level of education. At the elementary school level, great emphasis is placed on the basic fundamentals of education. The A Beka curriculum is used. This begins with Bible study every day. Our strong reading program has been statistically shown to be successful. A mathematics program using traditional methods provides an excellent base for higher-level math concepts. Penmanship is still considered important. Homework, report cards, concerned teachers, and informed parents are the rule and not the exception.

    High standards and effective discipline are hallmarks of the elementary program. It is our desire to train students to be diligent and to use their abilities to the fullest extent and not to be content with just getting by.

    We offer you a proven educational program designed for the average student but producing above-average results. All this is accomplished in a warm, Christian atmosphere.



    The teenage years are times of spiritual and academic growth. Social habits, friendships, goals, and desires are established for life during these important, formative years. Because a student's future is dependent upon the training and guidance given during these years, we believe a Bible-based education is imperative. Self-discipline, obedience, respect for authority, honesty, dependability, and love for man, God, and country, are emphasized and taught from a conservative Christian perspective.

    Our program meets and exceeds the requirements established by the Education Department in the State of North Carolina. The A Beka curriculum is used throughout the high school. All students must follow the course of study recommended to them. This is to ensure that each student attains as much as possible academically while at TCS. A student must earn twenty-two (22) credits during the 9th - 12th grades to graduate from Temple Christian School with a basic diploma and twenty-five (25) credits for an advanced diploma designed for college-bound students.


    Bible Curriculum

    Bible study and Bible memory work are fundamental requirements for all students at Temple Christian School. Without Bible study, a student is not educated in the true sense of the word. The Bible says: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Proverbs l:7a). Bible is the major course here at Temple Christian and must be passed every year a student attends. Those who do not pass Bible may not be accepted to return the following school year if the reason for failure is determined to be lack of effort due to a feeling that Bible is not important.

    We believe that basic to all knowledge is the knowledge of God – the God of the Bible. We hold the Bible as our principle textbook, and we interpret other subjects in the light of the Scripture. Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways (Psalm 128:1). Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word (Psalm 119:9).

    Because church attendance is vitally important to a young person's Christian growth, church attendance is encouraged during our Bible classes in grades 7 through 12.

    All students are taught a planned program of Bible studies each day and attend chapel services weekly. Bible enhances the study of other subjects such as English, science, history, and especially social studies. A Christian school is privileged to use this most important tool in the work of character building, which is perhaps the most necessary task of a school. It far exceeds all other courses offered in laying a sure foundation of moral and spiritual values. Every effort will be made to intertwine the Scriptures with every subject on a daily basis to make God's Word practical to daily living and learning. The King James translation will be used by all classes, in order to have uniformity for memorization and classroom text.

    Education, as we know it in America, has a Christian heritage. When our forefathers came to this country, the first building to be erected, after providing for their shelter, was a church. It was this church building that often served as the community school. In these schools, the pastors and preachers were usually the principals and professors.

    We revere America’s past. We salute the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance regularly; we also sing patriotic songs. A program of patriotism develops a real love for country based upon an appreciation of our American heritage and the Christian principles upon which America was founded.


    Classification of Students

    High school students will be classified by the amount of work completed at the beginning of the school year.


    1. A student who has completed less than 5 ½ units of credit will be classified as a freshman.
    2. A student who has completed 5 ½ units of credit (1 credit of English and 1 credit of Math) will be considered a sophomore.
    3. A student who has completed 11 units of credit (2 credits of English and 2 of Math) will be classified as a junior.

    1. A student who has completed 16 ½ units of credit (3 credits of English and 3 of Math) will be classified as a senior.



    All teachers are born-again believers – Christians who are dedicated to teaching. We seek to have teachers of the highest spiritual and academic quality.


    Help Classes

    A student may always seek extra help from his/her teachers if he does not understand an assignment, if work is difficult, or if he/she has been absent and has missed assignments and class discussions. The student should arrange a time convenient to both himself/herself and the teacher during the day or after class.

    A teacher will sometimes request that a student stay after school if it is apparent that the student is having difficulty with his/her work. This is not to be thought of as a punishment, but rather as the desire of the teacher to help the student make the progress of which he/she is capable.



    Homework is a part of Temple Christian School's academic emphasis. It should always be done neatly, accurately, and on time. Homework should never be considered as "busy work." Classroom teachers always give homework for a specific purpose. Each student will be expected to complete the assigned homework. Incomplete homework will result in a zero given for a daily grade.

    In order to encourage church attendance, the policy of the school is to give little or no homework on Wednesdays or on PTF nights.


    Homework is assigned for various purposes:

    1. For practice.
    2. For drill.
    3. For remedial activity.
    4. For enrichment activity.
    5. For special projects.


    Some assignments are long-term in nature and require planned work or study time for their completion. Planned study eliminates the necessity of spending too much time in completing an assignment the day before it is due.

    Each student in grades 1 – 12 is required to have a homework assignment pad in which he/she must write his assignments. In grades 1 – 6, it must be signed each night by the parent to indicate completion of the assignment. This pad can also serve as a means of communication since teachers will see it each morning. Used pages should not be removed from assignment pads as it serves as a yearly record of homework assigned and completed.


    Homework Time Guide

    Through grade 3, homework assignments usually will not exceed 45 minutes. Grades 4 through 6 should have no more than 1 to 1½ hours. Junior and senior high students should spend about 2 hours per day on homework. Of course, some students will require more time and others less.

    In general, no homework assignment should take an unreasonable amount of time for any grade level.

    Two guidelines for students: Read for understanding, and be sure you are concentrating!


    Honor Roll

    An honor roll is compiled after each nine-week grading period and is determined by the following qualifications:


    • A Honor Roll -- All subject grades must be "A"


    • A/B Honor Roll – All subject grades must be "A" or "B", having at least one "A" to qualify


    Incompletes on a report card not made up by the time the honor roll list is determined will automatically disqualify that student from honor roll for the grading period.

    Honor roll certificates are given quarterly.


    Makeup Work

    Students who are absent must check with the classroom teachers immediately upon returning to school in order to get all assignments missed. Students are allowed one day of grace for each school day missed to make up any work. Work not completed within that length of time will be recorded as a zero. For students whose absence is unexcused, no credit will be given. Grades will be withheld until makeup work is turned in and will lead to failure if the situation is not remedied. Makeup tests will be given at times appropriated by the teacher.

    When a student is absent due to a disciplinary suspension, 50’s will be given for each day's daily grade. Tests may be made up, if the majority of the class material had been given before the suspension.


    Physical Education

    Physical education is required of all students in seventh and eighth grades. In grades 9 or 10, one credit of physical education/health must be earned.

    Students will only be allowed to miss physical education with a note of explanation from home. To be excused more than three consecutive days, a signed doctor's excuse is required in most cases.


    Progress Reports

    Student progress reports will be sent home every three weeks. These must be signed by the parent and returned to the teacher the next day. Teachers will check to see that every report is returned. Student progress reports are sent to parents of students in all grades.



    In Kindergarten through 8th grade, a student's report card will contain a notation that the student has been promoted or retained. Students receiving "F's" in three academic subjects are automatically retained. Students receiving "F's" in both language/phonics and math are automatically retained. At the high school level, a student will usually continue to advance to the next grade; but the credits that he/she earns, plus his/her level of English class, determine his/her grade placement and when he/she graduates. (See Classification of Students)


    Report Cards

    The purpose of the reporting system is to give parents and students an accurate indication of the progress, or lack of progress, which is being made. Each student is evaluated in two areas – academic and behavioral. The academic grade is based upon the actual work done on homework, quizzes, tests, exams, etc. The conduct grade reflects attitude and/or behavior and is, at TCS, an important part of the student's report card.

    Report cards will be issued every nine weeks for students in grades K – 12. They are to be signed by a parent and returned the day following receipt to the homeroom teacher. This does not mean that the parent approves or disapproves of the report. It only means that he or she has seen it. If your child does not bring a card home, or if the report is lacking grades or information, please contact the school office immediately. If a report card is lost, a note from the parent should be sent to the office. A duplicate card will be sent home for signing. A charge of $2 is made for each lost report card.


    Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Grading Scale:


    A Excellent 94-100

    B Above Average 87-93

    C Average 78-86

    D Below Average 70-77

    F Failure 0-69


    Requirements for Senior High Graduation

    Temple Christian School requires the successful completion of an academic program in excess of the requirements of the state of North Carolina. To graduate from TCS, a student must accumulate twenty (20) credits during the 9th – 12th grades twenty-two (22) credits for our advanced diploma (college prep track). Because this is a Christian school, each student must be enrolled in and pass a Bible class each year of attendance at TCS.


    Credits Required for Diploma:


    Bible (4)

    English (4)

    Math (3)

    Science (3)

    U.S. History (1)

    World History (1)

    Gov/Econ (1)

    P.E./Health (1)

    Foreign Lang. (1)

    Electives (1)

    Total: 20


    Credits Required for Advanced Diploma:


    Bible (4)

    English (4)

    Math (4) Pre-Calc. required

    Science (3)

    U.S. History (1)

    World History (1)

    Gov/Econ (1)

    P.E./Health (1)

    Foreign Lang. (2)

    Electives (1)

    Total: 22


    Electives Offered at Various Intervals:


    Spanish I (1)

    Spanish II (1)

    Typing (.5)

    Computer Apps. I (l)

    Home Economics (1)

    Web Design Basics (1)

    Art I – (1)

    Chorus (1)

    Dramatic Speaking (1)

    College Prep. (.5)

    Teaching Int.’ship (1)




    All students in grades 7-12 must follow the course of study recommended to them by the administration. This is to ensure that each student attains as much as possible academically while at Temple Christian. Following the recommended course of study will also eliminate problems of meeting graduation requirements during the senior year.

    All credits necessary for graduation must be completed before a student will be permitted to march in the graduation exercises. Temple Christian School cannot be responsible for the inconvenience caused by failed courses during the last days of school.

    Students who plan to attend college should write the college of their choice to find out if there are special requirements for admission. Since each college has its own individual requirements, students will need to plan a school program with the help of the administration to assure fulfillment of particular college entrance requirements. The administration will assist the student in any way possible.


    Testing Program

    All students in grades 1-12 are given achievement tests in the spring of each year to measure their achievement in areas of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. We use the Stanford 10 Achievement test. A fee is charged to cover the cost of this testing.

    Any junior may elect to take the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test), which is offered during the fall semester for a small fee. Students are encouraged to take this test, as it will show areas of academic weakness before the student's senior year, as well as prepare the student for the SAT and the ACT. The students will be notified where and when this test is available.

    Seniors are recommended to register for both the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test, commonly referred to as the College Board), and the ACT (American College Test). Since colleges prefer one of these tests, a student is assured of adequate test information if he/she takes both. Also, if a student should do poorly on one of these tests, analyses of both tests will give the college a clearer picture of the student’s scholastic aptitude and achievement. Of course, students must pay the standard fees that are charged for these nationwide. Students will be notified in advance of the times and place these will be available.


    Discipline Code


    Purpose of Discipline

    Discipline is necessary for the welfare of the student as well as of the entire school. It is impossible for learning to take place in a classroom unless control and order are maintained. Students are reminded that they must adhere to a good code of conduct not only for their own benefit, but also for the benefit of others. Temple Christian School expects full cooperation from both students and parents. Any parent or student suggestion or complaint is expected to be taken through the proper chain of authority in a respectful manner. All parents are required to sign cooperation forms.

    Temple Christian School has a commitment to its school families to maintain its standards and requirements for all students. Because attendance at Temple Christian School is a privilege and not a right, any student who does not conform to the standards and regulations of the institution may forfeit the privilege. The school may request withdrawal of any student at any time, who, in the opinion of the school, does not fit into the spirit of the school ministry, regardless of whether or not the student conforms to the specific rules and regulations of the school. This guideline is shared with a spirit of love. We have, at Temple Christian School, a great sense of love and commitment to the students and families we serve. We have an additional commitment as well – to the total school family and to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    When problems arise, the following means of discipline will be used, though not necessarily in the order listed:


    • The teacher will warn the student and explain why the behavior is not acceptable.
    • Discipline notes will be issued, which must be signed & returned the following day.
    • Privileges will be restricted.
    • Extra work will be assigned.
    • The student will stay after school.
    • Parents will be called.
    • A student will have a conference with the principal.
    • A parent-teacher-principal conference will be arranged.
    • Spanking will be administered.
    • After School Detention will be given.
    • The student may lose break privileges.
    • The student may be given silent lunch.
    • Suspension may result.
    • The student may be asked to withdraw from school.
    • The student may be expelled.


    Care of Property

    Temple Christian School is considered to be God's property. Respect for the appearance of the school is a part of the Christian testimony presented by TCS. Making a habit of picking up any trash on the ground or in the school buildings will help keep our campus free of litter.

    Practical jokes involving school property are in poor taste.

    Sitting on desks, carving and defacing desks, chewing gum, eating in restricted areas, throwing things, and littering are never permitted. Students who disfigure property, break windows, or do other damage to school property or equipment will be required to pay for the damage done or to replace the damaged item.



    Temple Christian School holds that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of God and that salvation by faith in Christ is the initial step in the Christian life. There is adequate Biblical basis for the idea of spiritual growth into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), which is the work of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:1 g). This growth begins with the initial act of saving faith and continues through life. The result is a life consecrated unto God and separated from the world.

    Temple Christian School must, therefore, provide an environment conducive to the spiritual growth and development of young people who are not yet mature Christians. To provide such an environment, a standard of conduct based on the following Biblical imperatives is necessary:


      1. All activities of the Christian (in or out of school) must be to the praise and glory of God (Eph. 1:12; l Cor. 8:9, 10:31).
      2. The Christian will endeavor to avoid practices which cause a loss of sensitivity to the spiritual needs of the world and a loss of the Christian’s physical, mental, or spiritual well being (1 Cor. 9:27).


    The need for spiritual growth has led Temple Christian School to adopt the following standards, which are conducive to the environment that will best promote the spiritual welfare of the student. The school, therefore, requests each student whether at home, school, or elsewhere to:


      1. Refrain from swearing, using indecent language, smoking, drinking, using drugs, gambling, sensual dancing, attending dance clubs, listening to rock and roll, or going to "Christian rock" concerts.
      2. Maintain Christian standards of courtesy, kindness, morality, and honesty.
      3. Seek Godly modest principles when buying and wearing clothing.


    We believe that such activities named above are detrimental to Godly living and the image of Christ, whose name we bear.

    Students are expected to abide by these standards throughout their enrollment whether at home, school, or elsewhere. Students found to be out of harmony with these ideals may be invited to withdraw whenever the general welfare demands it, even though there may be no special breach of conduct.

    Lying, cheating, stealing, and using profanity will not be tolerated. Disorderly conduct (goofing off, horseplay, disruptive talking, etc.) is not conducive to Christian character and leads to destruction of property. These behaviors will not be allowed.


    Classroom Behavior

    In Temple Christian School, these four fundamental rules must be followed in the classroom:

      1. Students will remain seated in class.
      2. Students will raise their hands to speak.
      3. Students will always address and reply to teachers with the utmost respect. (All adults should be addressed as Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ma'am, or Sir.)
      4. Students will face forward in their seats and give attention to learning.



    Proper Christian conduct with the opposite sex will be emphasized in the school. No holding of hands, arms around each other, or other physical contact between those of the opposite sex will be permitted during the school day, on the buses, or at any school function. Students should sit so that there is a distance between themselves and those next to them.



    Temple Christian School will not be responsible for any party or social affair that is not officially sponsored or approved by the school.




    Discipline Philosophy

    Discipline is an important part of our ministry at TCS. In order to provide an environment conducive to learning and to help the students achieve self-discipline, external discipline is necessary. Many have often observed that students are most happy and secure when they know what is expected of them and when they realize that they are in an environment where the rules are explained and enforced. Discipline at TCS is not designed to be burdensome, but rather it is to be a stepping-stone to achieving a productive, God-honoring lifestyle.

    Our motivation for discipline is LOVE (Proverbs 3:12; Hebrews 12:6). In order for discipline to positively affect a student’s life, it must be given out with a loving desire to help the student do what is right. Though few students enjoy discipline, they greatly need it in order to become Christ-like.


    Below is a list of offenses that will result in disciplinary notice:


    • Disobedience
    • Disrespect
    • Talking without permission
    • Tardiness
    • Dress code violation
    • Griping
    • Failure to follow instructions
    • Candy, food, or gum in the classroom
    • Throwing objects
    • Misconduct at sports event or chapel
    • Unprepared for class
    • Hall violation
    • Failure to turn in excuse
    • Skipping class
    • Smoking (at or away from school)
    • Cheating or lying
    • Vulgarity or profanity
    • Stealing
    • Rock music
    • Dating infraction
    • Defacing school property
    • Fighting
    • Pornography or lewd material
    • Drugs or alcohol (at or away from school)
    • Sexual misconduct (at or away from school)
    • Speeding/reckless driving
    • Radios (at school)


    This is not a complete list of infractions, but it serves to show most of the unacceptable behaviors.



    Disciplinary Actions



    The following applies to students who have been expelled from TCS:

      1. The minimum expulsion period will be for the completion of the year in which expulsion took place.
      2. A student may be readmitted if proper restitution has been made and repentance has been shown.
      3. The administration must approve any such readmittance.
      4. Expelled students will not be permitted to attend school functions.
      5. Any expelled student is not allowed to be on the school grounds, except to conduct official business.


    Academic Probation

    A student is placed on academic probation for a minimum period of 1 term for the following reasons:

      1. Student achieves a failing overall GPA during 1 term.
      2. Student displays apathy or lack of concern for schoolwork.
      3. Student fails to turn in assignments on a regular basis.
      4. Student (obviously) does not put forth effort to achieve.


    During Academic Probation, the student may not participate in after-school sporting events. The student must also remain after school for a mandatory study hall for a period of 1 hour following each school day (Monday – Thursday).

    The student must show definite progress in improving his or her academics (evidenced by passing grades) in order to be taken off probation. He or she must show marked improvement in effort, attitude, and achievement.


    Loss of Break

    A student may lose his or her break at the discretion of any teacher or staff member. A discipline notice will be written and sent to the parent.


    After-School Detention

    After-school detention will last 1 hour following school closing and may entail manual work around the school grounds. After-school detention may be given at the discretion of the teacher or following 3 discipline notes.


    Conduct Probation

    A student is placed on conduct p

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